关于关键词 的检测结果,共 2021 条
| 2015-04-14 14:32:29 | 阅读(2140) | 评论(0)
近期帮助一个朋友解决一个报错,在启动hadoop的时候报错,如下:exception in thread "main" java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: javax/net/socketfactory at java.lang.classloader.defineclass1(native method) at java.lang.classloader.defineclasscond(classl...
| 2015-04-04 15:47:39 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
1.client的功能非常强大,2.对于post函数的第三个参数,可以先从本地文件中读取类型为 f * file的对象,然后用bufio.newreader( f *file)传入即可或者对于字符串s直接先用strings.newreader(s)形成io.reader 对象, 然后用bufio.newreader(strings.newreader(s))传入即可。...
| 2015-04-03 20:03:03 | 阅读(2070) | 评论(0)
由于缺少补丁包无法正常启动,需要打p8670579_112010_linux.zip补丁包。 【凯发app官方网站的解决方案】 到下述网站上下载p8670579_112010_linux.zip补丁包,按照readme.txt步骤将该补丁打上后执行dbca,,创建db的图形出来了,问题解决. p8670579_112010_linux.z...
| 2015-04-01 14:21:12 | 阅读(410) | 评论(0)
are there any demonstrated penis enlargement solutions or strategies?you might be tempted to obtain penis enlargement surgical treatment. there is certainly at this time no impartial evidence that this is productive to both deal with men's china sex pill efficiency or entire body graphic anxie...
| 2015-03-06 22:55:32 | 阅读(460) | 评论(0)
| 2015-03-04 16:37:37 | 阅读(1180) | 评论(0)
| 2015-02-16 14:40:00 | 阅读(300) | 评论(0)
| 2015-02-10 13:55:26 | 阅读(230) | 评论(0)
second, when you find the gas circuit is air-logged, then you should open the air escape cock of air cylinder, if there is no gas discharge, then you need to disconnect the air pipe between the mobile concrete batching plant and gas control valve, and if there is gas discharge, then it means th...
| 2015-02-10 13:55:10 | 阅读(300) | 评论(0)
second, when you find the gas circuit is air-logged, then you should open the air escape cock of air cylinder, if there is no gas discharge, then you need to disconnect the air pipe between the mobile concrete batching plant and gas control valve, and if there is gas discharge, then it means th...
| 2015-02-10 13:54:50 | 阅读(290) | 评论(0)
second, when you find the gas circuit is air-logged, then you should open the air escape cock of air cylinder, if there is no gas discharge, then you need to disconnect the air pipe between the mobile concrete batching plant and gas control valve, and if there is gas discharge, then it means th...
| 2015-01-29 15:23:53 | 阅读(320) | 评论(0)
it's really a generally accepted incontrovertible fact that persona with appropriate blend of accessories would make a woman get noticed within the crowd. purses are 1 this kind of accent that is definitely been employed by women of all ages due to the fact generations. nonetheless, they've develope...
| 2015-01-13 14:31:35 | 阅读(1180) | 评论(0)
ubuntu下安装net-snmp,具体步骤如下:1、获取net-snmp的安装包,这里我们选择源代码的安装方式,当然你也可以选择ubuntu的网络下载方式安装,如: >> sudo apt-get install net-snmp或者是自己从网络down下来手动编译安装,这里我选择最新版本的net-snmp5.7.1,下载下来的格式为net-snmp-5.7.1.tar.gz2、我...
| 2015-01-13 13:57:15 | 阅读(1770) | 评论(0)
梦想从广州传智播客.net培训机构起航 广州传智播客.net培训机构拥有最好的技术课程,强大的师资,完善的就业服务体系,培训大家职场礼仪、职业规划,放假期间班主任还安排有社会实践活动,丰富大家的生活,让你摆脱了迷茫,快乐的开启自己崭新的人生。 ...
| 2015-01-11 15:00:33 | 阅读(1200) | 评论(0)
指间残舞雪 | 2015-01-03 22:08:19 | 阅读(680) | 评论(0)
| 2014-12-26 13:28:15 | 阅读(2720) | 评论(0)
| 2014-12-22 14:25:56 | 阅读(3770) | 评论(0)
game review - zumba fitness for kinectdifficult financial times, we should be shopping for strength, quality, durability, and reliability. buy things that last. when you buy cheap, you tend to buy what have a shorter life, are cheaply made, of inferior quality or likely to fall at a distance. you b...
| 2014-12-19 11:28:10 | 阅读(4420) | 评论(0)
| 2014-12-11 16:36:48 | 阅读(3590) | 评论(0)
(一)先分析/proc/interruptslinux-2.6.28/arch/arm/kernel/irq.c --> show_interrupt()在linux-2.6.28/fs/proc/interrupt.cmodule_init(proc_interrupts_init);|-->proc_interrupts_init()|--> proc_create("interrupts", 0, null, &proc_interrupts_operations);一位伟大的程序员说过 -- "代码就是最好...