发布时间:2013-11-23 21:45:18
unable to launch vncserver due to fontpath issues on centos 6 when trying out vncserver on both centos 6.2 and centos 6.3 $ vncserver warning: the first attempt to start xvnc failed, possibly because the font catalog is not properly configured. attempting to determine.........
发布时间:2013-11-16 11:45:41
select table_schema, sum( data_length index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "db size in mb" from information_schema.tables where table_schema = "db name" group by table_schema ;select table_schema, sum(data_length index_length)/1024/1024 as total_mb,.........
发布时间:2013-11-10 16:51:14
为什么要写这篇文章? 答:通过常规的三大步(./configure,make,makeinstall)的编译安装mmseg时,总是出现找不到src/makefile.in文件的错误(config.status:error: cannot find input file:src/makefile.in)。即便是依照官方教程所说的先安装好依赖软件(yum -y installglibc-common libtool autoc.........
发布时间:2013-10-27 15:05:08
安装配置tftp服务器 pxe boot server 配置过程,以下配置和测试 都是在 centos6.3 上完成的,其他系统请酌情参考!一、 dhcp的安装与配置在pxe引导过程中,pxe client通过dhcp server 获取ip地址,nbp文件名称,然后从tftp server 下载nbp文件并在客户端执行,从而启动计算机。请确认系统中安装 dhcp 软.........
发布时间:2013-10-21 17:04:06
dell m910刀片服务器,板载了四块网卡。通过这四个网卡连接后端的dell eq ps6100存储的group地址。因为eq存储设备上的四个网口的ip是相同网段的,所以当从m910的四块网卡连接后端存储设备,建立多路径绑定,网卡的ip也必须是相同网段的。问题就这么出现了,四个网卡配置相同网段的ip,从主机ping -i ethx eq_group_ip,.........