nmap命令导致em12c agent 高cpu-凯发app官方网站

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分类: oracle

2017-02-21 17:50:24

应该是有人用nmap扫描端口呢,不幸的是导致em agent 高cpu。
需要下载patch 18502187,这个补丁不含在12.的psu中(这是.3的最后一个psu,其它的没查),打补丁过程中会自动卸载16087066。
详见em 12c : agent consumes high cpu due to threads stuck in "jdbc.driver.ntfconnection.run" "ntfconnection.readfromnetwork" (doc id 1474263.1)


$ export oracle_home=/u03/agent/core/
$ $oracle_home/bin/emctl stop agent
oracle enterprise manager cloud control 12c release 3  
凯发app官方网站 copyright (c) 1996, 2013 oracle corporation.  all rights reserved.
agent is not running
$ ps -ef|grep java
    root  5308580  6488088   0   dec 14      - 13:38 /var/opt/tivoli/ep/_jvm/jre/bin/java -xmx384m -xminf0.01 -xmaxf0.4 -dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcinterval=3600000 -dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcinterval=3600000 -xbootclasspath/a:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.rcp.base_6.2.1.20091117-1800/rcpbootcp.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/com.ibm.logging.icl_1.1.1.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/jaas2zos.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/jaasmodule.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/lwinative.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/lwinl.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/lwirolemap.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/lwisecurity.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/lwitools.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/lib/passutils.jar:../../runtime/agent/lib/cas-bootcp.jar -xverify:none -cp eclipse/launch.jar:eclipse/startup.jar:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.rcp.base_6.2.1.20091117-1800/launcher.jar com.ibm.lwi.launchlwi
pconsole  8847400  8781954   0   dec 14      -  9:09 /usr/java5/bin/java -xmx512m -xms20m -xscmx10m -xshareclasses -dfile.encoding=utf-8 -xbootclasspath/a:/pconsole/lwi/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.rcp.base_6.2.1.20091117-1800/rcpbootcp.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/iscjaasmodule.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/com.ibm.logging.icl_1.1.1.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/jaas2zos.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/jaasmodule.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/lwinative.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/lwinl.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/lwirolemap.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/lwisecurity.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/lwitools.jar:/pconsole/lwi/lib/passutils.jar -xverify:none -cp eclipse/launch.jar:eclipse/startup.jar:/pconsole/lwi/runtime/core/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.rcp.base_6.2.1.20091117-1800/launcher.jar com.ibm.lwi.launchlwi
$ pwd
$ $oracle_home/opatch/opatch apply
oracle interim patch installer version
凯发app官方网站 copyright (c) 2017, oracle corporation.  all rights reserved.

oracle home       : /u03/agent/core/
central inventory : /u01/app/oracle/orainventory
   from           : /u03/agent/core/
opatch version    :
oui version       :
log file location : /u03/agent/core/

applying interim patch '18502187' to oh '/u03/agent/core/'
verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
patch 18502187: optional component(s) missing : [ oracle.dbjava.jdbc, ] 

conflicts/supersets for each patch are:

patch : 18502187

        bug superset of 16087066
        super set bugs are:
        13583799,  6895422
interim patch 18502187 is a superset of the patch(es) [  16087066 ] in the oracle home
opatch will roll back the subset patches and apply the given patch.
all checks passed.
provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and
initiate oracle configuration manager. easier for you if you use your my
oracle support email address/user name.
visit for details.
email address/user name: 

you have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([y]es, [n]o) [n]:  y

please shutdown oracle instances running out of this oracle_home on the local system.
(oracle home = '/u03/agent/core/')

is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
user responded with: y
backing up files...
rolling back interim patch '16087066' from oh '/u03/agent/core/'

patching component oracle.dbjava.ic,
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/$eventtype.class"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/$additionaleventtype.class"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/$eventtype.class"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/$eventtype.class"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/$additionaleventtype.class"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/$eventtype.class"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
updating jar file "/u03/agent/core/" with "/u03/agent/core/"
rollbacksession removing interim patch '16087066' from inventory

opatch back to application of the patch '18502187' after auto-rollback.

patching component oracle.dbjava.ic,

verifying the update...
patch 18502187 successfully applied
log file location: /u03/agent/core/

opatch succeeded.
$ cd  /u03/agent/
$ ls
agent_inst             core                   plugins                plugins.txt.status
agentimage.properties  oneoffs                plugins.txt            sbin
$ cd agent_inst
$ cd sysman
$ cd config
$ ls
ouiinventories.add                  classpath.lst                       emd.properties.bak                  private.properties.bak
autotune.properties                 clientlogging.properties            emd.properties.tzbak                s_jvm_options.opt
b64internetcertificate.txt          cwallet.sso                         montrust                            server
b64localcertificate.txt             emd.properties                      monwallet
b64wls12xdemotrustcacert.txt        emd.properties.2015-03-10-10-58-42  nmxc.properties
b64wlsdemotrustcacert.txt           emd.properties.2015_03_10_11_00_15  private.properties
$ cp s_jvm_options.opt s_jvm_options.opt.bak
$ vi s_jvm_options.opt
"s_jvm_options.opt" 8 lines, 345 characters 
# this file contains static jvm options specific to the jvm shipped on a platform.
# each option must be in its own line:
# this file cannot contain dynamic properties like max/min heap size etc that can be affected by auto-tuning
"s_jvm_options.opt" 9 lines, 395 characters 
$ $oracle_home/opatch/opatch lsinventory -details | grep 10203435
patch  10203435     : applied on sun jun 23 08:31:35 cst 2013
$ $oracle_home/bin/emctl start agent
oracle enterprise manager cloud control 12c release 3  
凯发app官方网站 copyright (c) 1996, 2013 oracle corporation.  all rights reserved.
starting agent .......................... started.
$  $oracle_home/bin/emctl status agent
oracle enterprise manager cloud control 12c release 3  
凯发app官方网站 copyright (c) 1996, 2013 oracle corporation.  all rights reserved.
agent version     :
oms version       :
protocol version  :
agent home        : /u03/agent/agent_inst
agent binaries    : /u03/agent/core/
agent process id  : 5374162
parent process id : 19791964
agent url         :
repository url    :
started at        : 2017-02-21 17:31:50
started by user   : oracle
last reload       : (none)
last successful upload                       : 2017-02-21 17:32:15
last attempted upload                        : 2017-02-21 17:32:15
total megabytes of xml files uploaded so far : 0.01
number of xml files pending upload           : 2
size of xml files pending upload(mb)         : 0
available disk space on upload filesystem    : 74.05%
collection status                            : collections enabled
heartbeat status                             : ok
last attempted heartbeat to oms              : 2017-02-21 17:32:08
last successful heartbeat to oms             : 2017-02-21 17:32:08
next scheduled heartbeat to oms              : 2017-02-21 17:33:08

agent is running and ready
$ $oracle_home/opatch/opatch lsinv
oracle interim patch installer version
凯发app官方网站 copyright (c) 2017, oracle corporation.  all rights reserved.

oracle home       : /u03/agent/core/
central inventory : /u01/app/oracle/orainventory
   from           : /u03/agent/core/
opatch version    :
oui version       :
log file location : /u03/agent/core/

lsinventory output file location : /u03/agent/core/

installed top-level products (1): 

em platform (agent)                                        
there are 1 products installed in this oracle home.

interim patches (3) :

patch  18502187     : applied on tue feb 21 17:29:09 cst 2017
unique patch id:  17615617
   created on 6 may 2014, 06:29:08 hrs pst8pdt
   bugs fixed:
     6895422, 16479818, 18421945, 13583799

patch  19930706     : applied on tue feb 21 15:22:10 cst 2017
unique patch id:  18494312
patch description:  "em-agent bundle patch"
   created on 19 dec 2014, 04:34:56 hrs pst8pdt
   bugs fixed:
     17073796, 16736989, 17293519, 17164400, 18476937, 17438375, 17872949
     18808236, 17220173, 17934454, 18021456, 17627031, 17784127, 17568149
     16890278, 17579501, 17433479, 17280495, 18158996, 18108877, 17420195
     17628057, 17534755, 17184775, 17998843, 17214597, 17185106, 17704432
     18449370, 17904776, 18294467, 17538100, 17707019, 18348200, 17731541
     16959018, 17002243, 17881707, 18098772, 17797024, 17454539, 17751439
     17589284, 17979766, 17990826, 18277098, 17506428, 19930706, 16312089
     16513768, 17506828, 18043257, 18939087, 17271088, 17995417, 18104218
     16982797, 18613325, 17156527, 18649402, 17560540, 18753189, 17239371, 17973244

patch  10203435     : applied on sun jun 23 08:31:35 cst 2013
unique patch id:  15915936.1
   created on 7 feb 2013, 18:06:13 hrs pst8pdt
   bugs fixed:

opatch succeeded.
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