如何使用 v$process_memory 和 v$process_memory_detail 来确定内存增chang的位置。
在 oracle 10.2 及更高版本中存在 2 个新视图,可用于查找内存继续增chang的位置。可以使用此视图代替堆转储来查找内存增长的位置:
- v$process_memory:
此视图按每个 oracle 进程的命名组件类别显示动态 pga 内存使用情况。该视图将包含每个 oracle 进程最多六行,一行用于:
- java
- pl/sql
- olap
- sql
- freeable
- 其他
- v$process_memory_detail
- 要激活此视图,可以执行以下命令之一:
sql> alter session set events'immediate trace name pga_detail_get level ';
或者用 oradebug 命令:
sql> oradebug setmypid;
sql> oradebug dump pga_detail_get <pid>;
- 要删除视图中的所有行,请运行以下命令:
sql> alter session set events'immediate trace name pga_detail_cancel level ';
或 oradebug:
sql> oradebug dump pga_detail_cancel <pid>;
column alme heading "allocated mb" format 99999d9
column usme heading "used mb" format 99999d9
column frme heading "freeable mb" format 99999d9
column mame heading "max mb" format 99999d9
column username format a15
column program format a22
column sid format a5
column spid format a8
set linesize 300
select s.username, substr(s.sid,1,5) sid, p.spid, logon_time,
substr(s.program,1,22) program , s.process pid_remote,
round(pga_used_mem/1024/1024) usme,
round(pga_alloc_mem/1024/1024) alme,
round(pga_freeable_mem/1024/1024) frme,
round(pga_max_mem/1024/1024) mame
from v$session s,v$process p
where p.addr=s.paddr
order by pga_max_mem,logon_time;
要获得更多详细信息,可以使用 v$process_memory 查看哪个组件正在长。
column category heading "category"
column disabled heading "allocated bytes"
column used heading "used bytes"
column max_allocated heading "maxlocated bytes"
select pid, category,located, used, max_allocated
from v$process_memory
where pid = (select pid
from v $process
where addr= (select paddr
from v$session
where sid = 141));
alter session set events'immediate trace name pga_detail_get level 22'
-- 22是 pid
oradebug setmypid;
oradebug dump pga_detail_get 22;
create table tab1 as
select category, name, heap_name, bytes, allocation_count,
heap_descriptor, parent_heap_descriptor
from v$process_memory_detail
where pid = 22
and category = 'other';
alter session set events'immediate trace name pga_detail_get level 22'
oradebug setmypid;
oradebug dump pga_detail_get 22;
create table tab2 as
select category, name, heap_name, bytes, allocation_count,
heap_descriptor, parent_heap_descriptor
from v$process_memory_detail
where pid = 22
and category = 'other';
column category heading "category"
column name heading "name"
column heap_name heading "heap name"
column q1 heading "memory 1st" format 999,999,999,999
column q2 heading "memory 2nd" format 999,999,999,999
column diff heading "difference" format s999,999,999,999
set lines 150
select tab2.category, tab2.name, tab2.heap_name, tab1.bytes q1, tab2.bytes q2, tab2.bytes-tab1.bytes diff
from tab1, tab2
where tab1.category = tab2.category
and tab1.name = tab2.name
and tab1.heap_name = tab2.heap_name
and tab1.bytes <> tab2.bytes
order by 6 desc;
查询显示最大的内存增加在 kolagetrfcheap 中(行,全明白了)。
视图 v$process_memory_detail 的输出可以与 heapdump 进行比较。
column heap_name heading "heap name"
column name heading "type"
column allocation_count heading "count"
column bytes heading "sum"
column avg heading "average" format 99999d99
select heap_name, name, allocation_count, bytes, bytes/allocation_count avg
from tab2
where heap_name = 'kolagetrfcheap';
heap.awk 处理后的 heapdump:
如何查找进程的内存增长位置(文档 id 822527.1)
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