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分类: oracle

2021-12-30 12:22:02

windows 上oracle 19.10 异常宕机

  1. alter system archive log
  2. 2021-12-29t18:57:37.20007008:00
  3. thread 1 advanced to log sequence 33630 (lgwr switch), current scn: 83213831
  4.   current log# 3 seq# 33630 mem# 0: d:\app\administrator\oradata\orcl\redo03.log
  5.   current log# 3 seq# 33630 mem# 1: d:\app\administrator\archivelog\redo03_1.log
  6. 2021-12-29t18:57:37.24695208:00
  7. net (pid:6124): archived log entry 33629 added for t-1.s-33629 id 0x4c8aeee4 lad:1
  8. 2021-12-29t19:00:21.86158408:00
  9. oracle clusterware infrastructure fatal error in oracle (os pid 3760_3704): internal error (id (:clsb00136:)) - failed to load core lsf package
  10. 2021-12-29t19:00:22.15847808:00
  11. exception [type: abort_process_terminated, ] [] [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38, 00007ffd235b4f38]
  12. errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3704.trc (incident=176001):
  13. ora-07445: exception encountered: core dump [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38] [abort_process_terminated] [] [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38] [] []
  14. incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_176001\orcl_ora_3704_i176001.trc
  15. use adrci or support workbench to package the incident.
  16. see note 411.1 at my oracle support for error and packaging details.
  17. 2021-12-29t19:49:57.54330508:00
  18. starting oracle instance (normal) (os id: 9056)
  19. 2021-12-29t19:49:58.13849108:00
  20. all sga segments were allocated at startup
  21. 2021-12-29t19:50:01.56614408:00
  22. license_max_session = 0
  23. license_sessions_warning = 0
  24. 2021-12-29t19:50:01.70676808:00
  25. initial number of cpu is 8
  26. number of processor cores in the system is 8
  27. number of processor sockets in the system is 2
  28. capability type : network
  29. capabilities requested : 7 detected : 0 simulated : 0
  30. capability type : runtime environment
  31. capabilities requested : 400000ff detected : 40000000 simulated : 0
  32. capability type : engineered systems
  33. capabilities requested : f detected : 0 simulated : 0
  34. capability type : database test
  35. capabilities requested : 3 detected : 0 simulated : 0
  36. capability type : database editions
  37. capabilities requested : c detected : 8 simulated : 0
  38. autotune of undo retention is turned off.
  39. imode=br
  40. ilat =332
  41. 2021-12-29t19:50:02.69341808:00
  42. license_max_users = 0
  43. sys auditing is disabled
  44. 2021-12-29t19:50:02.86529608:00
  45. note: remote asm mode is local (mode 0x1; from cluster type)
  46. 2021-12-29t19:50:07.32648708:00
  47. note: using default asm root directory asm
  48. note: remote asm mode is local (mode 0x1; from cluster type)
  49. note: cluster configuration type = none [2]
  50. oracle database 19c enterprise edition release - production
  51. version
  52. windows nt version v6.2
  53. oracle_home = d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1
  54. node name : db1
  55. cpu : 8 - type 86648 physical cores
  56. process affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  57. memory (avail/total): ph:8193m/16383m, phpgf:4510m/35520m
  58. vm name : vmware version (6)
  59. using parameter settings in server-side spfile d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1\database\spfileorcl.ora
  60. system parameters with non-default values:
  61.   processes = 2000
  62.   event = "18199537 trace name context forever, level 100"
  63.   nls_language = "simplified chinese"
  64.   nls_territory = "china"
  65.   filesystemio_options = "setall"
  66.   resource_manager_plan = ""
  67.   sga_target = 7456m
  1. dump file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_176001\orcl_ora_3704_i176001.trc
  2. oracle database 19c enterprise edition release - production
  3. version
  4. build label: rdbms_19.
  5. windows nt version v6.2
  6. oracle_home = d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1
  7. node name : db1
  8. cpu : 8 - type 86648 physical cores
  9. process affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  10. memory (avail/total): ph:997m/16383m, phpgf:158m/35520m
  11. vm name : vmware version (6)
  12. storage:    ?
  13. instance name: orcl
  14. redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 <none>
  15. oracle process number: 0
  16. windows thread id: 3704, image:

  17. *** 2021-12-29t19:00:22.69212508:00
  18. [toc00000]
  19. jump to table of contents
  20. dump continued from file: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3704.trc
  21. [toc00001]
  22. ora-07445: exception encountered: core dump [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38] [abort_process_terminated] [] [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38] [] []

  23. [toc00001-end]
  24. [toc00002]
  25. ========= dump for incident 176001 (ora 7445 [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38]) ========
  26. [toc00003]
  27. ----- beginning of customized incident dump(s) -----
  28. exception [type: abort_process_terminated, ] [] [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38, 00007ffd235b4f38]

  29. oracle database 19c enterprise edition release - production
  30. process id: 0x00000eb0 thread id : 0x00000e78 time : wed dec 29 19:00:22
  31. excp. code: 0xebf00bab excp. type: abort_proc flags: 0x00000000

  32. ------------------- registers ----------------------------
  33. rip=00007ffd235b4f38
  34. rax=0047004600450044 rcx=004b004a00490048 rdx=004f004e004d004c
  35. rbx=0000000000000016 rsp=000001b648089890 rbp=000001b648089990
  36. rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000070001 r8=0020002000200020
  37. r9=0020002000200020 r10=0020002000200020 r11=0020002000200020
  38. r12=00007ffd24065f60 r13=0000000000000000 r14=0000000000000910
  39. r15=00007ff7d56a3470
  40. segcs = 00000033 segds = 0000002b seges = 0000002b
  41. segfs = 00000053 seggs = 0000002b segss = 0000002b
  42. eflags = 00000206
  43. register rip=00007ffd235b4f38 dump of bytes
  44. 省略看不懂部分。。。

  45. ------------------- end of registers ---------------------

  46. *** 2021-12-29t19:00:22.75462908:00
  47. dbkeddefdump(): starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x3, level=3, mask=0x0)
  48. [toc00004]
  49. ----- sql statement (none) -----
  50. current sql information unavailable - no sga.
  51. [toc00004-end]
  52. ----------- messages from pre-loading .sym files:
  53. symbol file d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin\orasql19.sym does not match binary.
  54.  symbol timestamp=5cef5a1d, module timestamp=600bacab are different
  55. ----------- end of messages from pre-loading .sym files
  56. [toc00005]
  57. ----- call stack trace -----
  58. calling call entry argument values in hex
  59. location type point (? means dubious value)
  60. -------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------
  61. symbol file d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1\bin\orasql19.sym does not match binary.
  62.  symbol timestamp=5cef5a1d, module timestamp=600bacab are different
  63. 00007ffd235b4f38 0000000000000000 000000101 ? 7ffd100801d0 ?
  64.                                                    1b64806b0e8 ? 1b64806b1b0 ?
  65. orasigabrthandler() call??? 00007ffd235b4ed0 ffffffffebf00bab 000000000
  66. 45 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  67. 00007ffd23fecfa7 call??? orasigabrthandler() 000000016 000000000 ?
  68.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  69. 00007ffd23fede31 call??? 00007ffd23fecdc0 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  70.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  71. clsbabort()208 call??? 00007ffd23fede00 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  72.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  73. clsbprocessinit()2 call??? clsbabort() 000000000 065746e49 072726520
  74. 419 028204449
  75. clsbcinit()420 call??? clsbprocessinit() 000000006 000000007
  76.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  77. opiinit()417 call??? clsbcinit() 005d7e850 03a2896b0
  78.                                                    ffffffffd553e7b0 000000000
  79. opimai_real()255 call??? opiinit() 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  80.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  81. opimai()268 call??? opimai_real() 04808fd2d ffffffffffffffff
  82.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  83. oraclethreadstart() call??? opimai() 000000002 04808fe60 05c149c10
  84. 643 000000000 ?
  85. 00007ffd249784d4 call??? oraclethreadstart() 000000000 000000000 ?
  86.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  87. 00007ffd27071791 call??? 00007ffd249784c0 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  88.                                                    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
  89. [toc00005-end]

  1. trace file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3704.trc
  2. oracle database 19c enterprise edition release - production
  3. version
  4. build label: rdbms_19.
  5. windows nt version v6.2
  6. oracle_home = d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1
  7. node name : db1
  8. cpu : 8 - type 86648 physical cores
  9. process affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  10. memory (avail/total): ph:1061m/16383m, phpgf:339m/35520m
  11. vm name : vmware version (6)
  12. instance name: orcl
  13. redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
  14. oracle process number: 0
  15. windows thread id: 3704, image:

  16. *** 2021-12-29t08:25:28.36208308:00
  17. required ipc rdmav_fork_safe environment not set
  18. required ipc rdmav_hugepages_safe environment not set
  19. trace file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3704.trc
  20. oracle database 19c enterprise edition release - production
  21. version
  22. build label: rdbms_19.
  23. windows nt version v6.2
  24. oracle_home = d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1
  25. node name : db1
  26. cpu : 8 - type 86648 physical cores
  27. process affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  28. memory (avail/total): ph:1005m/16383m, phpgf:168m/35520m
  29. vm name : vmware version (6)
  30. storage:    ?
  31. instance name: orcl
  32. redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 <none>
  33. oracle process number: 0
  34. windows thread id: 3704, image:

  35. *** 2021-12-29t19:00:21.97097408:00
  36. symbol file d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1\bin\orasql19.sym does not match binary.
  37.  symbol timestamp=5cef5a1d, module timestamp=600bacab are different
  38. exception [type: abort_process_terminated, ] [] [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38, 00007ffd235b4f38]

  39. symbol file d:\app\administrator\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1\bin\orasql19.sym does not match binary.
  40.  symbol timestamp=5cef5a1d, module timestamp=600bacab are different
  41. dde: flood control is not active
  42. 2021-12-29t19:00:22.67650208:00
  43. incident 176001 created, dump file: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_176001\orcl_ora_3704_i176001.trc
  44. ora-07445: exception encountered: core dump [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38] [abort_process_terminated] [] [pc:0x7ffd235b4f38] [] []

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