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分类: 服务器与存储
2016-03-03 15:05:49
root@host1:~/bean# ceph osd getmap -o omgot osdmap epoch 142
root@host1:~/bean# osdmaptool om --export-crush crushosdmaptool: osdmap file 'om'osdmaptool: exported crush map to crush
ceph osd getcrushmap -o cm
root@host1:~/bean# osdmaptool om --import-crush cm --test-map-pgs --pool 2osdmaptool: osdmap file 'om'osdmaptool: imported 669 byte crush map from cmpool 2 pg_num 1024#osd count first primary c wt wtosd.02241381380.005630491osd.13041391390.005630491osd.23021371370.005630491osd.32231211210.005630491osd.43151311310.005630491osd.53171401400.005630491osd.63632182180.009475711in 7avg 292 stddev 47.5455(0.162827x)(expected 15.83590.0542325x))min osd.3223max osd.6363size 00size 10size 21024size 30osdmaptool: writing epoch 144 to om