ocp考试资料群:569933648 验证码:ocp ocp 12c 19c考试题库解析与资料群:钉钉群号:35277291
分类: oracle
2019-12-16 13:26:53
choose two
exanine the desatption of the books_transactions table
name null? type
transaction_id not null varchar2(6)
transaction_type varchar2(3)
borrowed_date date
book_id archar2(6)
member_id varchar2(6)
examine this partial sql statement:
select * from books_transctions;
which two where condtions give the same resut?
a) where borrowed_date = sysdate and (transaction_type= 'rm' or member_id in
('a101','a102' ) );
b) where borrowed_date = sysdate and transaction_type= 'rm' or member_id in
('a101','a102' ) ;
c) where borrowed_date = sysdate and (transaction_type= 'rm' and member_id='a101' or
member_id = 'a102') );
d) where (borrowed_date = sysdate and transaction_type= 'rm' ) or member_id in
('a101','a102' );
e) where borrowed_date = sysdate and (transaction_type= 'rm' and ( member_id= 'a101' or
member_id = 'a102' ) );
(解析:考的是 and 和 or 的优先级。)