ocp考试资料群:569933648 验证码:ocp ocp 12c 19c考试题库解析与资料群:钉钉群号:35277291
分类: oracle
2020-09-17 09:31:07
【2020年8月】ocp 071考试新题(-4题)cuug内部题库
choose two.
which two are true about virtual columns?
a) they can be referenced in the where clause of an update or delete statement.
b) they cannot have a data type explicitly specified.
c) they can be indexed.
d) they can be referenced in the set clause of an update statement as the name of the column to be updated.
e) they can be referenced in the column expression of another virtual column.
2020年8月份ocp 071考试新题(-4题)cuug内部题库,钉钉群(35277291)oracle金牌名师亲自题库解析