ocp考试资料群:569933648 验证码:ocp ocp 12c 19c考试题库解析与资料群:钉钉群号:35277291
分类: oracle
2020-10-15 13:07:14
【2020年8月】oracle ocp 062考试新题(-3题)cuug内部题库
choose two.
you configured the fast recovery area (fra) for your database.
the database instance is in archivelog mode and the default location for the archived redo log files is the fra.
which two files are removed automatically if space is required in the fra as per the retention policy?
a) user-managed backups of control files
b) user-managed backups of redo logs
c) obsolete rman backups
d) archived redo log files that have copies in a different archive location
e) flashback logs
2020年8月份oracle ocp 062考试新题(-3题)cuug内部题库,钉钉群(35277291)oracle金牌名师亲自题库解析