select address,hash_value from v$sql where sql_id='dmvrs44wk5w89';
address hash_value
---------------- ----------
00007ffe7d7138b8 958591241
先purge cursor,以防cursor共享导致演示不准:
exec sys.dbms_shared_pool.purge('00007ffe7d7138b8,958591241','c');
var objname varchar2(100);
exec :objname := '%ta';
set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level=all;
select *
from bind_test
where object_name like :objname;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'allstats last peeked_binds'));
sql_id dmvrs44wk5w89, child number 0
select * from bind_test where object_name like :objname
plan hash value: 1250996780
| id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
| 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 194 |00:00:00.01 | 1429 |
|* 1 | table access full| bind_test | 1 | 3638 | 194 |00:00:00.01 | 1429 |
peeked binds (identified by position):
1 - :1 (varchar2(30), csid=873): '%ta'
predicate information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("object_name" like :objname)
3.绑定变量peeking关闭,like :bind 或like '%'||:bind形式的都走index range scan
前面的好理解,因为peeking关闭,like :bind cbo可能把绑定变量当成不带%的计算选择率,这样一般选择率density,density一般很小,走索引
(事实上不是这样,是和like '%'||:bind选择率计算方式一样)。
后面的是like '%'||:bind,这种显式写了前通配,因为peeking关闭导致走index range scan,可以认为是bug(这个bug貌似一直存在),因为
这种走索引,肯定是从索引{banned}最佳左侧扫描全部索引树,除非有rownum<...可能只需要前面少量leaf block。
alter session set "_optim_peek_user_binds"=false;
1)绑定变量peeking关闭,传入的值是前通配,也走index range scan。
var objname varchar2(100);
exec :objname := '%ta';
set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level=all;
select *
from bind_test
where object_name like :objname;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'allstats last peeked_binds'));
dingjun123@orclpdb> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'allstats last peeked_binds'));
sql_id dmvrs44wk5w89, child number 1
select * from bind_test where object_name like :objname
plan hash value: 4236497223
| id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
| 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 221 |00:00:00.05 | 542 |
| 1 | table access by index rowid| bind_test | 1 | 3840 | 221 |00:00:00.05 | 542 |
|* 2 | index range scan | idx_bind_test | 1 | 691 | 221 |00:00:00.05 | 396 |
predicate information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("object_name" like :objname)
filter("object_name" like :objname)
这种e-row计算方式和2)like '%'||:bind一样,见下面的分析,与猜想的按照类似等值查询不一样,如果按照等值查询返回行是:
2)绑定变量peeking关闭,显式编码前通配,使用like '%'||:bind形式,这种按理是和peeking无关的,走不了index range scan,
但是执行计划缺走了index range scan,这是bug,可能导致严重性能问题。
var objname varchar2(100);
exec :objname := 'ta';
set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level=all;
select *
from bind_test
where object_name like '%'||:objname||'%';
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'allstats last peeked_binds'));
sql_id bg9sh13chmu99, child number 1
select * from bind_test where object_name like '%'||:objname||'%'
plan hash value: 4236497223
| id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
| 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 4337 |00:00:00.07 | 3066 |
| 1 | table access by index rowid| bind_test | 1 | 3840 | 4337 |00:00:00.07 | 3066 |
|* 2 | index range scan | idx_bind_test | 1 | 691 | 4337 |00:00:00.06 | 671 |
predicate information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("object_name" like '%'||:objname||'%')
filter("object_name" like '%'||:objname||'%')
上面的like前导%的走index range scan,而且id=2返回行是691比id=1的3840少很多,这很让人迷惑,id=1没有条件,按理说id=1应该
10053 access path analysis计算如下:
base statistical information
table stats::
table: bind_test alias: bind_test
#rows: 76807 #blks: 1120 avgrowlen: 98.00 chaincnt: 0.00
index stats::
index: idx_bind_test col#: 2
lvls: 2 #lb: 379 #dk: 47304 lb/k: 1.00 db/k: 1.00 cluf: 38540.00
access path analysis for bind_test
single table access path
single table cardinality estimation for bind_test[bind_test]
column (#2): object_name(
avglen: 25 ndv: 47304 nulls: 0 density: 0.000021
table: bind_test alias: bind_test
card: original: 76807.000000 rounded: 3840 computed: 3840.35 non adjusted: 3840.35
access path: tablescan
cost: 307.14 resp: 307.14 degree: 0
cost_io: 305.00 cost_cpu: 45073703
resp_io: 305.00 resp_cpu: 45073703
kkofmx: index filter:"bind_test"."object_name" like '%'||:b1||'%'
access path: index (rangescan)
index: idx_bind_test
resc_io: 353.00 resc_cpu: 2949828
ix_sel: 0.009000 ix_sel_with_filters: 0.009000
cost: 304.14 resp: 304.14 degree: 1
best:: accesspath: indexrange
index: idx_bind_test
cost: 304.14 degree: 1 resp: 304.14 card: 3840.35 bytes: 0
结论:为什么绑定变量peeking会出现不管%是显式写还是写在绑定变量的值里,都可能走index range scan呢?
id=2 index range scan e-rows = round(76807*.009) = 691行
id=1 table access by index rowid e-rows = round(76807*.05) = 3840行
ix_sel: 0.009000 ix_sel_with_filters: 0.009000
一般情况下,绑定变量 无peeking要使用默认选择率,如下所示:
= 条件选择率:
>,<,<=,>= 条件选择率,一般情况就用0.05了:
like条件index range scan选择率:常数不是0.05,是0.009
select column_name,num_distinct,density,num_nulls from dba_tab_col_statistics where table_name='bind_test';
column_name num_distinct density num_nulls
------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
edition_name 0 0 76807
namespace 21 .047619048 0
secondary 2 .5 0
generated 2 .5 0
temporary 2 .5 0
status 2 .5 0
timestamp 1663 .000601323 0
last_ddl_time 1583 .000631712 0
created 1529 .000654022 0
object_type 45 .022222222 0
data_object_id 10551 .000094778 66206
object_id 76807 .00001302 0
subobject_name 271 .003690037 76154
object_name 47304 .00002114 0
owner 36 .027777778 0
可以用owner列,density=.027777778 > 0.009,为了验证,建个索引:
create index idx_bind_test_owner on bind_test(owner);
var owner varchar2(100);
select * from bind_test
where owner like :owner;
execution plan
plan hash value: 585688886
| id | operation | name | rows | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time |
| 0 | select statement | | 3840 | 367k| 65 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | table access by index rowid| bind_test | 3840 | 367k| 65 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | index range scan | idx_bind_test_owner | 2135 | | 7 (0)| 00:00:01 |
predicate information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("owner" like :owner)
filter("owner" like :owner)
id=2的选择率按照公式:greatest(0.009,1/ndv,density)*(num_rows-null_rows)/num_rows= .027777778
select 76807 * .027777778 from dual;
2134 接近2135
另外从12c开始还有几个like :bind写法的bug也是走index range scan,上述例子在11g里同样存在:
见bug:index scan instead of fast full scan with col like '%bind variable%' (doc id 2781949.1)
关闭peeking,按照where status = :var查询,选择率是max(1/2,density)则走不了索引.
关闭peeking,可能会导致like :bind或like '%'||:bind形式的条件走index range scan,见本篇文章。
oracle有adaptive cursor sharding(bug多,一般关闭)或可以使用bind_aware hints sql directive/sql profile绑定解决(建议使用)。