在mysql里执行计划对子查询no unnest subquery的有:subquery、dependent subquery、uncacheable subquery。
文档上说dependent subquery和uncacheable subquery不同,dependent subquery对于外部的每个不同的关联key执行一次子查询,uncacheable subquery意思是没有缓存,也就是外部的每行执行一次子查询。
文档10.8.2 explain output format:
dependent subquery evaluation differs from uncacheable subquery evaluation.
for dependent subquery, the subquery is re-evaluated only once for each set of different values of the variables from its outer context.
for uncacheable subquery, the subquery is re-evaluated for each row of the outer context.
通过测试,发现和文档有点出入,mysql貌似对subquery有缓存优化,dependent subquery实际没有看到缓存优化(有优化,但是效果不明显)。
subquery和dependent subquery实际上是没有unnest的子查询的算法,子查询没有unnest,必须是外层结果来驱动子查询,所以,外层结果的行数直接影响子查询执行次数,而子查询执行次数,直接影响整个没有unnest的子查询效率。
一般数据库subquery cache做法(以oracle为例):
一般情况下,大多数据库对未unnest的子查询做了缓存优化,这种缓存优化怎么做呢?因为外层与子查询是通过关联key比较的,那么做cache,也就是需要一块内存区域保存外层的key与子查询比较的结果(key-value结构),一般用hash table保存,每一个key保存一行结果即可,像oracle
在oracle里外层驱动子查询不能unnest的有一般子查询(比如子查询有or)、update关联子查询、标量子查询等,特点是执行计划被驱动部分谓词有系统绑定变量,比如access("c"=:b1),这个:b1是oracle cbo自己定义的。
这样subquery cache优化,对于外部行关联值基数(distinct值)特别小的,可以极大减少子查询执行次数,从而提高执行效率,这就是为什么有时候在oracle里标量子查询比join效率更高的原因。
在mysql里执行计划有subquery和oracle里的unnest子查询类似,有缓存,dependent subquery貌似没有看到缓存(但是看到改写有cache).
mariadb有subquery cache:
下面分别研究下mysql里的subquery cache以及和oracle的对比。
1)mysql 执行计划select_type:subquery,也即不能unnest的子查询materilization有subquery cache
这种子查询是有subquery cache优化的,具体子查询被驱动多少次,要看外部表传入的关联key相同值是否连续(这个和oracle的filter子查询类似)。
按照subquery cache重复的可能减少子查询执行(要看外部行key存储连续程度)。
2)dependent subquery就是普通的in to exists方式,外部表每一行会驱动子查询一次,文档上说有缓存,测试没有看到(但是看到改写有cache),实际
3)对于标量子查询,mysql因为不能走select_type:subquery,只能走dependent subquery,没有cache优化,所以要慎用
mysql里subquery unnest走subquery、dependent subquery、uncacheable subquery的,如果主表还有过滤条件,
from a where a.cond and subquery 是先执行a.cond过滤,然后每一行驱动执行subquery,较好。
from a where subquery and a.cond 这个是先a的每行驱动执行subquery,如果子查询返回true,则判断a.cond,false则不执行a.cond,一般效率差。
3) 使用subquery hints的,in/exists不能互相转换为相同执行计划,subquery hints.
对应的exists就是intoexists策略,是dependent subquery
如果不用hints,mysql 8对于in和exists可以等价转换。
一般主流数据库都会做subquery cache优化,比如oracle,这种优化有时候还是很有用的,比如外部表驱动子查询的关联key基数很小,这时候实际执行效率也是很高的,如果没有subquery cache优化,外部每一行驱动一次子查询,必然效率低很多。
create table subq_t1(a int,b int);
set @@cte_max_recursion_depth = 100000;
insert into subq_t1(a,b)
with recursive t(a,b) as (
select 1 a,1 b
from dual
union all
select 1,b1
from t
where t.b<100000
select * from t;
insert into subq_t1(a,b)
with recursive t(a,b) as (
select 2 a,1 b
from dual
union all
select 2,b1
from t
where t.b<100000
select * from t;
insert into subq_t1(a,b)
with recursive t(a,b) as (
select 3 a,1 b
from dual
union all
select 3,b1
from t
where t.b<100000
select * from t;
create table subq_t2(a int,b int);
insert into subq_t2(a,b)
with recursive t(a,b) as (
select 1 a,1 b
from dual
union all
select a1,b1
from t
where t.b<100000
select * from t;
create index idx_subq_t2 on subq_t2(a);
select count(*),count(distinct a) from subq_t1;
| count(*) | count(distinct a) |
| 300000 | 3 |
select count(*),count(distinct a) from subq_t2;
| count(*) | count(distinct a) |
| 100000 | 100000 |
###标量子查询貌似只能走dependent subquery,没有cache
本文对于mysql子查询研究的都是不能unnest的,具体通过hints控制,也就是select_type:subquery、dependent subquery、uncacheable subquery.
能够unnest subquery的,可以走pullout,firstmatch,loosescan,materialization,dupsweedout方式,这个实际是转为join方式,按照join方式走,mysql对于join走
nested loops的没有cache优化。
1.mysql子查询计划是subquery (materialization)的,有subquery cache
exists subquery(@subq materialization)也走不了materialization,还是和intoexists一样,走dependent subquery,只不过改写没有cache.
当然,如果exists不写hints,可能转为in materialization,也可以有缓存。
explain select/*subquery(@subq materialization)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where exists
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ 1 from subq_t2 t2 where t1.a=t2.a);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | extra |
| 1 | primary | t1 | null | all | null | null | null | null | 299886 | 100.00 | using where |
| 2 | dependent subquery | t2 | null | ref | idx_subq_t2 | idx_subq_t2 | 5 | employees.t1.a | 1 | 100.00 | using index |
2 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)
和预期的走subquery不一样,走的是dependent subquery。
查看改写的,虽然是intoexists,但是改写没有,用subquery(@subq intoexists) in子查询方式虽然执行计划显示一样,但是改写有
show warnings\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
level: note
code: 1276
message: field or reference 'employees.t1.a' of select #2 was resolved in select #1
*************************** 2. row ***************************
level: note
code: 1003
message: /* select#1 */ select /* subquery(@`subq` materialization) */ `employees`.`t1`.`a` as `a`,`employees`.`t1`.`b` as `b` from `employees`.`subq_t1` `t1` where exists(/* select#2 */ select /* qb_name(`subq`) */ 1 from `employees`.`subq_t2` `t2` where (`employees`.`t1`.`a` = `employees`.`t2`.`a`))
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
从执行计划看,dependent subquery 走intoexists策略,外部表subq_t1有30w行,但是a字段只有3个不同值,子查询被驱动30w次,没有减少子查询执行次数。
explain analyze
select/*subquery(@subq materialization)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where exists
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ 1 from subq_t2 t2 where t1.a=t2.a)\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
explain: -> filter: exists(select #2) (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.055..1248.470 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> table scan on t1 (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.031..260.777 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> select #2 (subquery in condition; dependent)
-> limit: 1 row(s) (cost=0.35 rows=1) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=300000)
-> covering index lookup on t2 using idx_subq_t2 (a=t1.a) (cost=0.35 rows=1) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=300000)
1 row in set, 1 warning (1.31 sec)
改为in materialization:
select/*subquery(@subq materialization)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where t1.a in
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | extra |
| 1 | primary | t1 | null | all | null | null | null | null | 299886 | 100.00 | using where |
| 2 | subquery | t2 | null | index | idx_subq_t2 | idx_subq_t2 | 5 | null | 100113 | 100.00 | using index |
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
show warnings\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
level: note
code: 1003
message: /* select#1 */ select /* subquery(@`subq` materialization) */ `employees`.`t1`.`a` as `a`,`employees`.`t1`.`b` as `b` from `employees`.`subq_t1` `t1` where <in_optimizer>(`employees`.`t1`.`a`,`employees`.`t1`.`a` in ( <materialize> (/* select#2 */ select /* qb_name(`subq`) */ `employees`.`t2`.`a` from `employees`.`subq_t2` `t2` where true ), <primary_index_lookup>(`employees`.`t1`.`a` in <temporary table> on <auto_distinct_key> where ((`employees`.`t1`.`a` = `<materialized_subquery>`.`a`)))))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
explain analyze
select/*subquery(@subq materialization)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where t1.a in
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2)\g
materialization有subquery cache,子查询执行次数少,外部行30w,子查询物化表只执行4次查询,
*************************** 1. row ***************************
explain: -> filter: <in_optimizer>(t1.a,t1.a in (select #2)) (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=124.672..335.684 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> table scan on t1 (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.026..175.501 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> select #2 (subquery in condition; run only once)
-> filter: ((t1.a = `<materialized_subquery>`.a)) (cost=20078.95..20078.95 rows=1) (actual time=31.166..31.166 rows=1 loops=4)
-> limit: 1 row(s) (cost=20078.85..20078.85 rows=1) (actual time=31.164..31.164 rows=1 loops=4)
-> index lookup on <materialized_subquery> using <auto_distinct_key> (a=t1.a) (actual time=31.163..31.163 rows=1 loops=4)
-> materialize with deduplication (cost=20078.85..20078.85 rows=100113) (actual time=124.626..124.626 rows=100000 loops=1)
-> covering index scan on t2 using idx_subq_t2 (cost=10067.55 rows=100113) (actual time=0.007..64.168 rows=100000 loops=1)
1 row in set (0.36 sec)
总结:mysql对不能unnest的子查询,只有subquery方式(走materilization)才有subquery cache优化,exists写hints不能转为subquery方式,不写可能能转。
2.mysql的dependent subquery,如果是intoexists对外部表字段cache,但是不能减少子查询执行次数,效果不是太明显
改为in intoexists看看:
select/*subquery(@subq intoexists)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where t1.a in
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | extra |
| 1 | primary | t1 | null | all | null | null | null | null | 299886 | 100.00 | using where |
| 2 | dependent subquery | t2 | null | index_subquery | idx_subq_t2 | idx_subq_t2 | 5 | func | 1 | 100.00 | using index |
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
看起来in intoexists也做了优化,改写里有((`employees`.`t1`.`a`) ,实际上有多大效果,看explain analyze:
show warnings\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
level: note
code: 1003
message: /* select#1 */ select /* subquery(@`subq` intoexists) */ `employees`.`t1`.`a` as `a`,`employees`.`t1`.`b` as `b` from `employees`.`subq_t1` `t1` where <in_optimizer>(`employees`.`t1`.`a`,<exists>(<index_lookup>(<cache>(`employees`.`t1`.`a`) in subq_t2 on idx_subq_t2)))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
explain analyze
select/*subquery(@subq intoexists)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where t1.a in
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2)\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
explain: -> filter: <in_optimizer>(t1.a,<exists>(select #2)) (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.131..939.998 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> table scan on t1 (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.047..241.175 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> select #2 (subquery in condition; dependent)
-> limit: 1 row(s) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=300000)
-> covering index lookup on t2 using idx_subq_t2 (a=<cache>(t1.a)) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=300000)
1 row in set (0.99 sec)
对于dependent subquery方式,树形计划里显示a=(t1.a),也就是在索引查找时做了cache优化,而不是减少索引扫描的次数。
索引查询平均每次0.002ms.原来exists方式没有,in intoexists的字段cache,优化效果不是很明显,只在外部表subq_t1的全表扫描上降了30%时间,
explain analyze
select/*subquery(@subq materialization)*/ *
from subq_t1 t1
where exists
(select/*qb_name(subq)*/ 1 from subq_t2 t2 where t1.a=t2.a)\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
explain: -> filter: exists(select #2) (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.070..1230.870 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> table scan on t1 (cost=30156.85 rows=299886) (actual time=0.029..256.100 rows=300000 loops=1)
-> select #2 (subquery in condition; dependent)
-> limit: 1 row(s) (cost=0.35 rows=1) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=300000)
-> covering index lookup on t2 using idx_subq_t2 (a=t1.a) (cost=0.35 rows=1) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 loops=300000)
1 row in set, 1 warning (1.29 sec)
dependent subquery实际上是不能unnest subquery的保底执行方法,经常效率比较烂,子查询能够unnest较好,有5种策略可以使用,能充分使用join/semi join/anti join算法提高效率。
mysql subquery cache vs oracle subquery cache子查询缓存_mysql部分_part2