要传递参数给模块,首先将获取参数值的变量声明为全局变量。然后使用宏module_parm()(在头文件linux/module.h)。运行时,insmod将给变量赋予命令行的参数,如同 ./insmod mymodule.o myvariable=5。为使代码清晰,变量的声明和宏都应该放在模块代码的开始部分。以下的代码范例也许将比我公认差劲的解说更好。
宏module_parm()需要两个参数,变量的名字和其类型。支持的类型有 "b": 比特型,"h": 短整型, "i": 整数型,"l": 长整型和 "s": 字符串型,其中正数型既可为signed也可为unsigned。 字符串类型应该声明为"char *"这样insmod就可以为它们分配内存空间。你应该总是为你的变量赋初值。 这是内核编程,代码要编写的十分谨慎。举个例子:
int myint = 3;
char *mystr;
module_parm(myint, "i");
module_parm(mystr, "s");
数组同样被支持。在宏module_parm中在类型符号前面的整型值意味着一个指定了最大长度的数组。 用'-'隔开的两个数字则分别意味着最小和最大长度。下面的例子中,就声明了一个最小长度为2,最大长度为4的整形数组。
int myshortarray[4];
module_parm (myintarray, "3-9i");
example 2-7. hello-5.c
* hello-5.c - demonstrates command line argument passing to a module.
module_author("peter jay salzman");
static short int myshort = 1;
static int myint = 420;
static long int mylong = 9999;
static char *mystring = "blah";
* module_param(foo, int, 0000)
* the first param is the parameters name
* the second param is it's data type
* the final argument is the permissions bits,
* for exposing parameters in sysfs (if non-zero) at a later stage.
module_param(myshort, short, s_irusr | s_iwusr | s_irgrp | s_iwgrp);
module_parm_desc(myshort, "a short integer");
module_param(myint, int, s_irusr | s_iwusr | s_irgrp | s_iroth);
module_parm_desc(myint, "an integer");
module_param(mylong, long, s_irusr);
module_parm_desc(mylong, "a long integer");
module_param(mystring, charp, 0000);
module_parm_desc(mystring, "a character string");
static int __init hello_5_init(void)
printk(kern_alert "hello, world 5\n=============\n");
printk(kern_alert "myshort is a short integer: %hd\n", myshort);
printk(kern_alert "myint is an integer: %d\n", myint);
printk(kern_alert "mylong is a long integer: %ld\n", mylong);
printk(kern_alert "mystring is a string: %s\n", mystring);
return 0;
static void __exit hello_5_exit(void)
printk(kern_alert "goodbye, world 5\n");
satan# insmod hello-5.o mystring="bebop" mybyte=255 myintarray=-1
mybyte is an 8 bit integer: 255
myshort is a short integer: 1
myint is an integer: 20
mylong is a long integer: 9999
mystring is a string: bebop
myintarray is -1 and 420
satan# rmmod hello-5
goodbye, world 5
satan# insmod hello-5.o mystring="supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" \
> mybyte=256 myintarray=-1,-1
mybyte is an 8 bit integer: 0
myshort is a short integer: 1
myint is an integer: 20
mylong is a long integer: 9999
mystring is a string: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
myintarray is -1 and -1
satan# rmmod hello-5
goodbye, world 5
satan# insmod hello-5.o mylong=hello
hello-5.o: invalid argument syntax for mylong: 'h'
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