alter system 对单实例或rac中的当前实例执行日志切换。
alter system archive log current 会对数据库中的所有实例执行日志切换。
alter system switch logfile ;
switch logfile clause
switch logfile clause lets you explicitly force oracle to begin writing
to a new redo log file group, regardless of whether the files in the
current redo log file group are full. when you force a log switch,
oracle begins to perform. a checkpoint but returns control to you
immediately rather than when the checkpoint is complete. to use this
clause, your instance must have the open.
alter system archive log current ;
current clause
current to manually archive the current redo log file group of the
specified thread, forcing a log switch. if you omit the thread
parameter, then oracle archives all redo log file groups from all
enabled threads, including logs previous to current logs. you can
specify current only when the database is open.
alter system archive log current noswitch;
noswitch if you want to manually archive the current redo log file
group without forcing a log switch. this setting is used primarily with
standby databases to prevent data divergence when the primary database
shuts down. divergence implies the possibility of data loss in case of
primary database failure.
can use the noswitch clause only when your instance has the database
mounted but not open. if the database is open, then this operation
closes the database automatically. you must then manually shut down the
database before you can reopen it
一个就是在logfile switch的时候会触发arch进程,即通知归档进程说那个日志可以归档了。
cache中的dirty buffer全部写回磁盘。然后,ckpt进程纪录scn到controlfile中,这时会把redo
log的状态由active 变成inactive。
由此我们可以看出处于inactive状态的redo log对于instance recovery是没有用处了。但是它可能对于meda recovery还有用处,因为处于inactive状态的redo log可能已经归档,也可能没有归档。
出现 checkpoint not complete,unable to allocate new redo log file的错误,是因为lgwr要覆盖一个其上检查点过程没有结束的日志文件,lgwr会dbwr完成,同时出现此错误。出现这个错误的原因,大概有几点,一个是dbwr写出速度太慢,一个是buffer cache中的脏数据太多。即事务太频繁,另一个也可能是日志太小,或日志组太少导致的。
alter system checkpoint;
alter system archive log all;
alter system archive log current
alter system switch logfile;
1:alter system checkpoint;
checkpoint to explicitly force oracle to perform. a checkpoint,
ensuring that all changes made by committed transactions are written to
datafiles on disk. you can specify this clause only when your instance
has the database open. oracle does not return control to you until the
checkpoint is complete.
2: alter system archive log all;
3:alter system archive log current
4: alter system switch logfile;
switch logfile clause lets you explicitly force oracle to begin writing
to a new redo log file group, regardless of whether the files in the
current redo log file group are full. when you force a log switch,
oracle begins to perform. a checkpoint but returns control to you
immediately rather than when the checkpoint is complete. to use this
clause, your instance must have the database open.
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